Crime and Victim Resource Center – City of Fresno (2024)

Crime and Victim Resource Center

Crime and Victim Resource Center – City of Fresno (1)

Local Resources

VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday)
for Fresno County Jail
Allows victims to register to receive information about an arrestee’s custody status.
24-hour hotline


Northwest Family Center
Individual and family counseling for survivor issues, loss, abuse and family violence.
600 W. Shaw Ave, Suite 120
Fresno , CA 93704


Psychological Services Center
Provides group and individual therapy for anxiety, depression, and family violence.
5130 E Clinton Way
Fresno , CA 93727


Centro La Familia, Advocacy
Assists families in emergency situations in public assistance and restraining orders.
2014 Tulare Street, Suite 711A
Fresno , CA 93721


Central California Legal Services
Provides services to lower income families involved in civil lawsuits.
The Trade Center Building
1999 Tuolumne Street, Suite 700
Fresno , CA 93721


Family Court Services
2220 Tulare Street, Suite 1111
Fresno , CA 93721


Victim Offender Reconciliation Program of the Central Valley, Inc.
4882 E. Townsend Ave.
Fresno , CA 93727


California Free Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers
There are many types of free drug rehab centers available. View these centers by clicking below.

Resources on this site

Child Abuse

Be an advocate for children by knowing the signs of abuse and reporting child abuse. Remember, you are reporting the suspicion of child abuse – even if you aren’t sure, it’s better to let authorities check it out. You might save a child’s life!

When you have concerns for a child’s well-being, the indicators listed below may help guide you in your thought process. Many of these “symptoms” or “signs” could be caused by things other than abuse or neglect. Generally, these indicators do indicate that a child’s safety may be at risk and, at the very least, the situation should be assessed by a professional who is able to determine the causes of these symptoms and offer the help and assistance necessary to reduce the risk to a child.

  • Suspicion of abuse is all that is necessary to file a report
  • Your information can be given anonymously
  • You will be asked to describe your concerns about the child and it will be helpful if you can provide:
  • The child’s name, age, address, gender, school attended (if possible), and names of parents

To report child abuse, contact Fresno Police Department at 559.621.7000

Signs of Physical Abuse

Physical Indicators:

  • Unexplained bruises and/or welts on the face, throat, upper arms, buttocks, thighs or lower back in unusual patterns or shapes which suggests the use of an instrument (belt buckle, electric cord) on a child in various stages of healing that are seen after absences, weekends, or vacations.
  • Unexplained burns, cigarette burns, especially burns found on palms, soles of feet, abdomen, buttocks; immersion burns producing “stocking” or “glove” marks on hands and feet; “doughnut shaped” on buttocks or genital area.
  • Rope burns.
  • Infected burns indicating delay in treatment; burns in the shape of common household utensils or appliances.

Behavioral Indicators:

  • Behavioral extremes (withdrawal, aggression, regression, depression to over-involvement with strangers).
  • Inappropriate or excessive fear of parent or caretaker.
  • Antisocial behavior such as substance abuse, truancy, running away, fear of going home.
  • Unbelievable or inconsistent explanation for injuries.
  • Lies unusually still while surveying surroundings (for infants).
  • Unusual shyness, wariness of physical contact.

Signs of Sexual Abuse

Physical Indicators:

  • Torn, stained or bloody underclothes.
  • Frequent, unexplained sore throats, yeast or urinary infections.
  • Somatic complaints, including pain and irritation of the genitals.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Bruises or bleeding from external genitalia, vagin* or anal region.
  • Pregnancy.

Behavioral Indicators:

  • The victim’s disclosure of sexual abuse.
  • Regressive behaviors (thumb-sucking, bedwetting, fear of the dark).
  • Promiscuity or seductive behaviors.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns (recurrent nightmares).
  • Unusual and age-inappropriate interest in sexual matters.
  • Avoidance of undressing or wearing extra layers of clothes.
  • Sudden decline in school performance, truancy.
  • Difficulty in walking or sitting.

Signs of Emotional Abuse

Physical Indicators:

  • Eating disorders, including obesity or anorexia.
  • Speech disorders (stuttering, stammering).
  • Developmental delays in the acquisition of speech or motor skills.
  • Weight or height level substantially below norm.
  • Flat or bald spots on head (infants).
  • Nervous disorders (rashes, hives, facial tics, stomach aches).

Behavioral Indicators:

  • Habit disorders (biting, rocking, head-banging).
  • Cruel behavior, seeming to get pleasure from hurting children, adults or animals; seeming to get pleasure from being mistreated.
  • Age-inappropriate behaviors (bedwetting, wetting, soiling).
  • Behavioral extremes, such as overly compliant-demanding; withdrawn-aggressive; listless-excitable.

Signs of Neglect

Physical Indicators:

  • Poor hygiene, including lice, scabies, severe or untreated diaper rash, bedsores, body odor.
  • Squinting.
  • Unsuitable clothing; missing key articles of clothing (underwear, socks, shoes); overdressed or underdressed for climate conditions.
  • Untreated injury or illness.
  • Lack of immunizations.
  • Indicators of prolonged exposure to elements (excessive sunburn, insect bites, colds).
  • Height and weight significantly below age level.

Behavioral Indicators:

  • Unusual school attendance.
  • Chronic absenteeism.
  • Chronic hunger, tiredness, or lethargy.
  • Begging for or collecting leftovers.
  • Assuming adult responsibilities.
  • Reporting no caretaker at home

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior where one partner tries to maintain control of the other using physical force, intimidation, threats, isolation from family and friends, humiliation, financial control, destruction of property and more. Children exposed to domestic violence learn to believe that domestic violence is normal, and they frequently grow up to be abusers or victims.

To you have a domestic violence emergency, you should immediately call 911

The Domestic Violence Unit recognizes the negative effects domestic violence has on the victim, the abuser, the children, the family, and our community. We are committed to addressing this issue as a serious crime. We investigate each case and to deal with each person in a compassionate and professional manner.

Realizing that the people we contact may be in need of services beyond law enforcement, we provide resources, referrals, and information to our clients. Domestic Violence does not stop without action. Help can take the form of prosecution for a criminal offense with court-mandated treatment.

Family Justice Center
Monday through Friday
7 am to 5 pm
(559) 621-2225
Messages left over the weekend or
after hours are retrieved during
normal working hours.

Marjaree Mason Center advocates:

(559) 621-2233or(559) 621-2236
For more information about confidential help, visit theMarjaree Mason Center website

The Fresno Police Department established the Family Justice Center concept to join agencies together at one location with one common goal—to help domestic violence victims. Six detectives and one supervisor staff the unit. The collaborating staff includes two advocates from the Marjaree Mason Center and one case manager from Child Protective Services.

The Marjaree Mason Center advocates provide confidential help to victims, family, friends, and co-workers:

  • Counseling referrals
  • Restraining orders
  • Finding a safe place to stay
  • Court assistance
  • Safety planning
  • Criminal justice system information

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a term related to a varied of crimes intentionally committed against a person who is an elder or dependent adult. An elder is 65 years or older, and a dependent adult is over the age of 18 but unable to adequately care for himself because of physical or developmental disabilities. The crimes related to elder abuse range from financial crimes, frauds and scams, physical and sexual abuse, neglect to homicide.

Elder crimes are investigated by law enforcement, and they are aided by services in our community. At the Fresno Police Department, the Elder Abuse Unit is part of the Major Crimes Bureau in the Financial Crimes Unit; it is staffed by one detective. Additional services in the City include Adult Protective Services, the Ombudsman Program and the Public Guardian.

Elder abuse attacks a vulnerable group in our community, because they can have debilitating illnesses and failing mental faculties. They are also a generation that trusted their friends, families and strangers. Even though elder abuse can be committed by strangers, usually in the case of fraud, elder abuse is often committed by family members, friends and caregivers. We ask our community to report suspected elder abuse to law enforcement, APS or the Ombudsmen. Abuse can continue and often escalates if there is no intervention.

Signs of Elder Abuse

Warning Signs of elder abuse.The existence of any one or more of these does not necessarily mean that abuse has occurred. Instead, treat them as signs that diligent attention or investigation is needed.

Physical Warning Signs

  • Uncombed or matted hair
  • Poor skin condition or hygiene
  • Unkempt or dirty
  • Patches of hair missing or bleeding scalp
  • Any untreated medical condition
  • Malnourished or dehydrated
  • Foul smelling
  • Torn or bloody clothing or undergarments
  • Scratches, blisters, lacerations or pinch marks
  • Unexplained bruises or welts
  • Burns caused by scalding water, cigarettes or ropes
  • Injuries that are incompatible with explanations
  • Any injuries that reflect an outline of an object, for example, a belt, cord or hand

Behavior Warning Signs

  • Withdrawn
  • Confused or extremely forgetful
  • Depressed
  • Helpless or angry
  • Hesitant to talk freely
  • Frightened
  • Secretive

Isolation warning signs:Isolation of an elder is an insidious tool used by many abusers. Accomplished with the systematic exclusion of all real outside contact, the elder victim is eventually driven to distrust friends, doctors and even close family members. Ultimately, the elder victim becomes a pawn – manipulated into trusting only the abuser.

  • Family members or care­givers have isolated the elder, restricting the elder’s contact with others, including family, visitors, doctors, clergy or friends.
  • Elder is not given the opportunity to speak freely or have contact with others without the caregiver being present.

Reporting Elder Abuse

  • Financial Crimes, frauds and scams can bereported online. We have information in the identity theft/fraud link to provide information about reporting these types of crimes.
  • Physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect can be life threatening, so should be reported to a police officer. Call our dispatcher at(559) 621-7000to request assistance.
  • Abuse or suspected abuse can also be reported toAPSor theOmbudsmen

Adult Protective Services (APS)

APS provides assistance to the elderly and adults who are functionally impaired, and who are possible victims of abuse, exploitation or neglect, including self-neglect. Adult Protective Services agencies investigate reports of abuse that occur in private homes, acute care hospitals, clinics, adult day care facilities and social day care centers. APS provide a 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline to respond to all reports of suspected abuse. Fresno APS is(559) 600-3383.

Ombudsman Program

Ombudsmen are trained individuals who advocate for the protection and rights of all residents in long-term care facilities. These facilities include skilled nursing facilities, residential care facilities for the elderly, community care facilities and intermediate care facilities. The primary responsibility of the Ombudsman program is to investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, individual residents.

Fresno and Madera Counties Ombudsman Program
3845 N. Clark Street, Suite 201
Fresno, CA 93726
(559) 224-9177
(559) 224-9106 FAX

Fresno County Public Guardian
(559) 600-1500

If you suspect Medi-Cal fraud, please call the toll-free hotline at(800) 722-0432. For more specific information about the State Programs, refer to theAttorney General’s web site.

Preventing Elder Abuse, Assault, and Theft– Senior Living

Identity Theft & Fraud

Identity theft is a general term to describe crimes that occur when a person poses as another person or business to commit crimes. The crimes range from the simple fraudulent use of a stolen credit cards or checks to false impersonation of another, in which the criminal completely assumes the identity of another.

Crime Trends in Fresno related to ID Theft and Frauds:

  • Suspects Adding themselves to your Credit/Debit Cards and/or Bank Account
  • Mystery Shopper or Secret Shopper
  • Work at Home Scams
  • Purchasing Vehicles via the Internet
  • Relative or friend needs you to Wire money
  • Sweepstakes and Lotteries
  • Want Ads – Selling Items
  • ID Theft against members of the Military

Important Phone Numbers
Dispatcher(559) 621-7000
Financial Crimes Fraud Line(559) 621-6335
Records – to get a police report(559) 621-2534

Steps to take if you become a victim of identity theft

1. Make a police reportto your law enforcement agency where you live or to the City or County where the fraudulent activity occurred.

  • Fresno PD takes the majority of ID theft reports online

2. Help the police identify who is using your identity!
ID theft is the fastest growing crime in the nation. Due to the overabundance of crimes reported in Fresno, we do not have sufficient personnel to obtain evidence in every reported case. Video evidence is necessary to identify who is committing the crime. However, businesses only retain the video for a limited amount of time, usually 14-60 days. Therefore, we need help from the victims to helpus obtainthe video. Without your help, we may not review your case until the evidence has been destroyed. Click the title for information and forms which will help us get the evidence.

Video evidence is essential when it is available, but many suspects use the internet to commit the crime. Therefore, we need to get documentary evidence from the Financial Institution/Credit card company to give us leads to the suspect, Different companies require different documents, and some require their own specific forms. Click here for specific information and forms

3. We need supporting documents to prove the criminal activity occurred. Send copies of statements, letters, credit report, social security statements, etc to the Fresno Police Department. Include yourcase number on the documents. For online reports, please wait to send your documents until after you receive your Permanent Case Number by email.If the number begins with the letter “T” the number is temporary and your documents will wait to be reviewed until we have time to research and locate the permanent number, this will slow down your case.

  • If someone is using your social security number for employment, we need a copy of your social security card and a copy of your CDL/Photo ID
  • Documents usuallyinclude accurate information along with the fraudulent information. We cannot tell what is fraudulent or accurate, but you can. Be sure to clearly asterisk * or mark the fraudulent activity. Do not use highlighters as it does not copy. Attaching an explanation is also helpful.
  • If the offense is a check offense we need the front and back of the check
  • If you have cancelled checks from the bank, and they have fingerprints on them, we need theoriginal checks
  • Be sure you keep a copy of the information you sent us
  • Include your case number on the documentsyou send

Send documents to the

Fresno Police Department

Mail to the Fresno Police Department, Financial Crimes Unit, 2323 Mariposa Mall, Fresno, CA 93715

Fax to (559) 621-6332

Email to[emailprotected]

4. Complete the PC 530.8release form to give Fresno PDthe right to obtain evidence in your case without a search warrant. If there is more than one business involved, complete multiple forms. If unknown, leave the business name blank. This requires you include the permanent case number which will be emailed to you.

5. Protect yourself from further victimization!

6. Report your crime to the National Database.

  • The Federal Trade Commission maintains a national database to track ID theft related crimes. More importantly, they research this database to look for crime patterns.Use this link to report your crime
  • If the Internet or computer was used to facilitate any crime, please report the crime to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. This database is operated by the FBI. They will also provide crime pattern information to local agencies. If the crime is part of a nationwide pattern, the FBI can choose to investigate the crime.Report your internet crime here
  • If you sent money to another country, the Fresno Police Department cannot investigate. The Federal Trade Commission has a relationship with some countries and they will share this information with them.Use this link to report international crimes

Resources for identity theft victims

Preventing ID theft or catching the fraud earlyis the best approach. Many victims do not even realize they have been victims for over a year, making the crime harder to investigate. Victims must spend their own time to fix the damage to their credit and try to recoup losses. The national average is for an ID theft victim to spend 600 hours on their crime. It’s better to prevent the crime or catch the ID theft early. There are many methods that you can use to reduce your chances of being a victim and easy ways to catch the crime early. Click the title for ideas.

ID theft resources:The Federal Trade Commission provides up to date information about Identity theft. Click here to go to for several internet resources.Websites for victims

Get a copy of your report and keep copies of everything related to your crime:
How do I get a copy of my police report?

  • An online report will be sent to you by email.
  • If you did not make an online report, you must contact our records section.
  • By telephone(559) 621-2534
  • In person at FPD Headquarters. 2323 Mariposa, Fresno 10-2 Monday through Friday. Be aware, the lines are long and you could wait several hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q – I reported my crime to my financial institution or Credit Card Company. Do I still have to make a report?
A – Yes, the companies to do not tell the police about their fraud investigation unless we ask. The only way for us to ask is to read the police report.

Q – Do I have to send supporting documents in order for my crime to be investigated?
A – No, cases are assigned based upon a variety of factors, to include being involved in a crime pattern. The supporting documents provide more information, and allow us to request evidence from other sources. This evidence often links to a crime pattern, which enhances the chances of your case being investigated.

Q – I have investigative leads, such as a suspect name or address. Will my case be automatically assigned?
A – No, this information is taken into consideration. However, we know that ID theft suspects often use the name and address of another victim to perpetrate their crime.

Q – How do I find out the status of my case?
A – You can call the fraud line and leave a message(559) 621-6335or email[emailprotected].

Q – I have not been called by a detective. Why?
A – You will not get a call by a detective unless the case is assigned and the detective needs additional information from you.

Q – I need to add additional information to my report. How do I add the information?
A – You can add a supplementalreport to your case online. Be sure to click the supplemental button, and put in your report number. You may even add to a report that was not originally done online. Just check the box that says: “You are adding information to a previous report, which was reported to an officer.”

Q – Why wasn’t my case assigned?
A – The Financial Crimes Unit does not have sufficient staff to assign all cases. The supervisor reviews reports to determine if a case will be assigned. Factors that are considered are dollar loss, if the crime is involved in a crime pattern, if the suspect is a known fraud suspect, and investigation leads.

Q – What can I do to enhance my chances of my case being assigned?
A – Provide supporting documents and evidence.


Identity thieves are opening credit accounts in victim’s name, plus adding themselves onto existing accounts. We need specific information to obtain evidence from the companies, so it is best to give us copies of your rejection letters, credit cards so we have all the information we need. If you don’t have letters from the companies, many times we have to provide your social security number so they can find the fraudulent account. Many financial institutions/credit card companies require that we send in an authorization, signed by the victim before they will give us any information.PC 530.8 release form.

Some companies require their own forms or specific documents in addition to the release form, or they will give us no information.

Comenity (Buckle, Victoria Secrets, Dress Barn, Pac Sun – etc) requires the signed PC 530.8 release form, a fraud affidavit and a copy of your CDL/Photo ID. The affidavit can be theirs, or any otheraffidavit.

Target requires their specificrelease form, and a copy of your CDL/Photo ID.
Macy’s / Bloomingdale’s requires the signed PC 530.8 release form, their specific fraud affidavitand a copy of your CDL/Photo ID.

Missing Persons and Amber Alert

To report a missing person, contact:
Fresno Police Department Communications Center
(559) 621-7000 24-hours per day

The Missing Persons Unit thoroughly investigates every reported missing person and runway juvenile case to locate that person. Our team consisting of one sergeant and two detectives respond to approximately 350 missing person/runaway cases each month. We work with agencies and organizations such as the California Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to extend our reach.

To Report A Missing Person

You do not have to wait 24 hours to make a report.
There is no minimum amount of time you must wait to report someone missing.

Important Phone Numbers
Dispatcher(559) 621-7000
Financial Crimes Fraud Line(559) 621-6335
Records – to get a police report(559) 621-2534

Help Us To Help You

  1. If you have important, time sensitive information (such as the location of a runaway juvenile at that moment) on a missing person case, DO NOT CALL THE MISSING PERSONS UNIT. Instead, first call the Communications Center at(559) 621-7000, or911in a life threatening emergency, and an officer will be dispatched to assist you. The Missing Persons Unit is the secondary source to call, at(559) 621-2455. Give the information to, or leave a message for an investigator.
  2. Keep the Missing Persons Unit informed of the status and any leads in your case. If the missing person has returned or is no longer missing, please advise us as quickly as possible.

Amber Alert

AMBER (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert is a tool used by law enforcement to help find children under the most serious, life threatening conditions. There are specific conditions under which an AMBER Alert can be issued. Those conditions include:

  1. A confirmed non-family abduction has occurred; unless the victim of a parental abduction faces threat of imminent great bodily harm or death.
  2. The victim is under the age of 18, or of a proven mental or physical disability.
  3. There is reason to believe the victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death.
  4. There is information that if disseminated to the general public, could assist in the safe recovery of the victim.

The reason for these strict conditions is a very simple one. The AMBER Alert is a cooperative effort between law enforcement and the media. The media voluntarily interrupts, sometimes very expensive, scheduled broadcasting to announce that a child has been abducted, and that law enforcement needs the public’s eyes and ears. Because private broadcasters cannot be compelled to cooperate with law enforcement, it is imperative that their willingness to help by interrupting their scheduled programming not be used in cases other than the most serious emergencies.

Sexual Assault Unit

The Sexual Assault Unit is within the Family Justice Bureau of the Fresno Police Department and is dedicated to helping sexual assault victims.

The Sexual Assault Unit fulfills three functions:

  • investigate current and past incidents of sexual assaults or attempted assaults,
  • investigate criminal acts involving sexual deviance (e.g. child p*rnography), and
  • monitor registered sex offenders pursuant to California PenalCode § 290.

The Mission of the Sexual Assault Unit is:

  • to effectively and efficiently investigate allegations of sexual assault,
  • to conduct all investigations in a fair and unbiased manner,
  • to reduce the number of sexual assaults that occur within the City of Fresno through criminal prosecution and proactive enforcement.

All reports of sexual assault are reviewed by a Unit supervisor. The case is then assigned to a detective for follow-up investigation. Sexual assault detectives investigate a wide range of sex crime allegations involving adults and children. Detectives interact and collaborate with medical personnel, prosecutors, child services, and a number of licensing and child/victim advocacy organizations.


  • Call911when an emergency response is needed
  • Call(559) 621-7000when a situation is not an emergency (e.g. delayed reporting)
  • Reports can be made via your child’s school to a School Resource Officer (assigned to both Fresno Unified Middle and High Schools)

Follow Up Inquiries

  • If your case is already assigned to a detective, please contact that detective directly.
  • Contact a Sexual Assault Unit supervisor at(559) 621-2447or(559) 621-2492.
  • If you reported your case over two (2) years ago, please call the “Cold Case Unit” hotline at(559) 621-2483.

The Victim

Each year thousands suffer some type of sexual abuse. Who is the typical offender? In the vast majority of sexual assault cases, the offender is known to the victim. Specifically for child victims, the offender is known either to the child and/or child’s family (up to 90% of all cases, per the State of California Department of Justice).

The sexual assault abuser is often:

  • a family member of the victim
  • a friend of the family of the victim
  • a romantic partner, friend, or acquaintance of the victim

Awareness and education will not only further protect the children of Fresno, but it also averts sex offenses from ever occurring.

What Should You Do If You Or A Loved One Is A Sexual Assault Victim?

Seek help immediately!

Call911for medical assistance or go to a hospital emergency room in the event of injuries. When a sexual assault has just occurred, important things to remember is that the victim should not:

  • wash, bathe, or douche until they have been to the hospital and contacted the police.
  • change clothes – if the victim has changed clothes, keep the clothes worn during or post assault to be collected as potential evidence.
  • if social media, texting, or emails played a role in communicating with the offender, do not delete these contact(s).

Law enforcement officers and medical professionals are aware and empathetic to the emotional impact experienced by sexual assault victims. It may be difficult for victims to confide in strangers about what has happened. Every effort is made to have family members, friends, clergy or anyone the victim may want present to provide support during this difficult time.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES:Fresno County Victim Services(559) 600-2822Valley Children’s Hospital, Child Advocacy Clinic(559) 256-5760Family Healing Center(559) 840-1012Rape Counseling Services of Fresno(559) 222-7273Centro La Familia(877) 294-3772The Fresno Police Department Chaplaincy, Resiliency Center(559) 621-2120Community Regional Medical Center(559) 459-6000Fresno County District Attorney’s Office(559) 600-5197Fresno County Department of Social Services(559) 600-8320

Operation Reveal

Crime and Victim Resource Center – City of Fresno (2)

The Fresno Police Department now provides information online concerning arrests involving loitering for purposes of prostitution, or patronizing/soliciting for prostitution. By using this website, you will be able to view public records on individuals who have been arrested and charged for either loitering for purposes of prostitution or for patronizing/soliciting for prostitution. The names, identities, and citations appear here as they were provided to police officers in the field at the time of arrests. These individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.As part of Operation Reveal, photographs of people arrested and charged will be posted for 15 days. As of March 3rd, 2014 89 arrestees have been posted on this site.

If you are the spouse, intimate partner, or child of one of the individuals shown on this webpage and would like to speak to someone confidentially to assist you with your questions or concerns, please call this 24 hour confidential hotline 233-HELP (4357). We are here to help!”Login failed for user ‘pdExposed’. Reason: The password of the account has expired.

Sexual Offenders Registration

COVID-19 UPDATE FOR SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION:Due to the current State of Emergency as a result of COVID-19, the Fresno Police Department has modified the registration process to stay consistent with State and local public health guidelines regarding physical distancing. If you reside within the City of Fresno, you can still report registering at 110 “M” Street, Fresno, CA 93721 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 09:00 am -12:00 pm. The registration office has established procedures during this time to allow for physical distancing and request that individuals maintain a minimum of 6 feet from other people. The registration process is currently taking place outside of the registration office to allow for greater physical distancing. The registration officers are visually confirming the registrant’s identity and verbally confirming the registrant’s current information is correct and up to date (address, phone number, vehicle information, etc.) prior to updating the person’s registration. Pursuant to Executive Order N-63-20 signed by Governor Gavin Newsome on May, 7th 2020, these procedures will be in place for a minimum of 60 days from that date. If you are sick, believe that you possibly have COVID-19, or have medical conditions or other concerns, please contact the PC 290 Unit at (559) 600-8068 or email the PC Unit at [emailprotected] so other arrangements can be made to update your registration without requiring registrants to physically respond to the registration office.

The PC 290 Unit properly register and monitor all persons required to register as sex offenders within the City of Fresno. Our team conducts fair, impartial, and professional investigations into allegations of registration violations by a partnership with parole, probation, and prosecutors on registrant compliance.

The Fresno Police Department is responsible for approximately 500,000 citizens throughout a 100 square mile city. The Fresno Police Department PC 290 Unit monitors approximately 2,400 registered sex offenders within that population. The stateMegan’s Lawwebsite is available to residents to search for registered sex offenders living in their neighborhoods. Moreover, the website contains background information regarding the Megan’s Lawprogram and answers to commonly asked questions regarding sex offenders.

In an attempt to provide additional information to the public, we’ve compiled answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding sex offenders residing in the city of Fresno:

  • FAQ’s for resident’s regarding sex offenders
  • FAQ’s for those required to register as sex offenders

After reviewing the frequently asked questions and you still suspect an offender is out of compliance, please contact the department’s PC 290 Unit at(559) 600-8068or email the PC Unit at[emailprotected]

Residents FAQs: Registered Sexual Offenders

Questions from Residents about Registered Sex Offenders

The Fresno Police Department is providing answers to frequently asked questions posed by residents.

Where can I view registered sex offenders?

The stateMegan’s Law websitelists those individuals who are registered offenders. Included on some of the posts are photographs and addresses (either full or partial). The conviction and court proceedings determine what information is to be disclosed for public information. Generally, the most serious sex offenders will have their full addresses listed.

Refer to the state website for legalities behind disclosure information.

What does it mean to be a sex offender registrant?

A sexual registrant is an individual who was convicted of committing a specific sexual assault or another crime determined by a court as falling within this statute. That conviction and subsequent court proceeding requires the offender to register with the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the offender’s residence.

When is a sex offender required to register?

Generally, offenders are required to register with their local law enforcement agency annually on his or her birthday (or within 5 business days). Offenders are also mandated to update registration within 5 business days of:

  • Being released from Jail / Prison (certain restrictions if returning to the same residence)
  • Living at multiple addresses
  • Whenever changing address / residence
  • Following a name change
  • Whenever leaving the city of Fresno to reside in another jurisdiction
  • Homeless offenders must re-register every 30 days

* Other possible requirements may apply *

What are the restrictions, if any, sexual registrant are required to follow?

Unless a registrant is currently on supervised release (e.g. parole or probation), they are only required by law to prove current registration. Absent supervised release programs, a sexual registrant is able to reside wherever they chose. Although Jessica’s Law (Penal Code Section 3003.5(b)) was enacted in 2006, no punishment exists in the statute. This law is still being challenged on the grounds of constitutionality.

Are sexual registrants allowed to live near a school / daycare facility?

Yes. If you suspect an offender is not at a school for some lawful purpose and is engaged in some type of suspicious activity, please contact the police department immediately.

Are sexual registrants permitted to be on school grounds?

Yes. However, they need to be engaged in some type of lawful business and with the permission of school officials. Registrants are prohibited from volunteering or working with children.

Are sexual registrants prohibited from working in certain professions?

Yes. Several professions expressly prohibit a license or certification from being issued or maintained by any individual who is subject to registration requirements as a sex offender pursuant to Penal Code § 290. These professions include:

  • Ambulance Attendant (13 CCR §1103(b)(1))
  • Bus Driver for school children, youth, or developmentally disabled (Health & Safety Code, § 13370(a))
  • Clinical Social Worker (Bus. & Prof. Code § 4996.2(d); 16 CCR §1881)
  • Educational Psychologist (Bus. & Prof. Code § 4989.24)
  • Marriage, Family, and/or Child Counselor (Bus. & Prof. Code § 4980.40(h))
  • Paramedic (22 CCR §100173(a)(1))
  • Psychologist (Bus. & Prof. Code § 2964.3.)
  • Respiratory Therapist (Bus. & Prof. Code § 3752.7)
  • Teacher (Ed. Code § 44346(b)(2))

Under limited circ*mstances, exceptions may be made. The restriction on employment profession is determined by the court following a conviction. Moreover, some licensing boards will permit reinstatement for the offender to return to his or her profession.

Other employment restrictions may apply. Refer to theMegan’s Law websitefor additional information.

If you suspect a registered offender is working and/or volunteering at a restriction profession, pleasecontact the FresnoPolice Department

Are all individuals convicted of sex offenses required to register as a sex offender?

No. Not all convictions and subsequent sentences mandate registration. Also, not all convicted sex offenders are subject to public disclosure (e.g. listed on the Megan’s Law website). The sentencing court determines what regulations are to be followed by the offender. Sex offenders may be granted exclusion from the Internet website by the California Department of Justice; however, they are still mandated to register with law enforcement.

Do sex offenders have to register if they are attending a state or community college?

Yes. Pursuant Penal Code § 290.01, offenders shall register with the campus police department or if no campus police department exists, offenders shall register with the local law enforcement department having jurisdiction. This legal requirement includes all colleges or universities, including institutions of higher learning.

Where can I get more specific information?

For more specific information, please contact a member of the department’s PC 290 Unit at(559) 600-8068or email[emailprotected].

Sex Offenders FAQs

When do I need to register?

required to register as a sex offender shall do so:

  • Annually, on your birthday
  • Being released from Jail/Prison (certain restrictions if returning to the same residence),
  • Living at multiple addresses
  • Whenever changing your address/residences
  • Following a name change
  • Whenever leaving the city of Fresno to a residence in another jurisdiction
  • If you are homeless, you must re-register every 30 days

* You shall register within 5 business days from any of the above circ*mstances*

If you reside within the city of Fresno, report for registration:

110 “M” Street, Fresno, 93721Office –(559) 600-8068
Registration hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 09:00 am – 12:00 pm

Following registration, when am I required to re-register?

Refer to question #1.

What if I’m currently not registered or in violation?

The Fresno Police Department aims at having 100% compliance when it comes to sex offender registrations. If you are out of compliance, correct the problem as soon as possible by following the registration laws and register immediately. If you reside in another jurisdiction, contact the responsible law enforcement agency to complete registration.

Where can I live?

Unless you are on a supervised release program (e.g. parole or probation), there are currently no restrictions. However, your supervised release program may mandate additional restrictions and you are directed to contact your assigned supervising agent.

How do I go about being removed from the PC 290 registration obligation and/or being removed from the Megan’s Law website?

Today, only a few sex offenders can obtain relief from lifetime registration. Penal Code § 290.5, effective July 8, 1996, provides that even if registrants obtain a section 1203.4 dismissal and/or a certificate of rehabilitation, sex offenders must continue to register for life unless:

  1. They obtain a certificate of rehabilitation pursuant to Penal Code section 4852.01,et seq. AND
  2. Their offense is not listed in Penal Code § 290.5, subdivision (a), Or
  3. They were convicted of misdemeanor child molest pursuant to Penal Code § 647.6 (former PC 647a), Or
  4. The registrant’s underlying sex offense was either Penal Code § 288 or 288.5 (continuous sexual abuse of a child), he or she was granted probation pursuant to Penal Code § 203.066(c), and he or she has registered for a continuous period of at least ten years prior to the filing of a petition for certificate of rehabilitation (Penal Code § 4852.01 et seq.): section 290.5, subd. (c), says he or she may be relieved by a court of the duty to register.

Note that since Penal Code sections 288’s and 288.5’s have been barred since 1998 from obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation, this will only apply when the certificate was obtained prior to that date.

How do I get more specific information?

For more specific information, please contact a member of the department’s PC 290 Unit at(559) 600-8068or email[emailprotected].

Crime and Victim Resource Center – City of Fresno (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.